import pickle
# use with logic gate simulator (
# wpf rip linux
with open("circuit.pkl", "rb") as f:
g = pickle.load(f)
of = open("circuit.gcg", "w")
of.write("""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CircuitGroup Version="1.2">
gateXDist = 120
gateYDist = 60
lowerGateType = {
"XOR": "Xor",
"AND": "And",
"NOT": "Not"
gateCount = len(g['gates'])
netCount = len(g['netlist'])
def getGateType(gateIdx):
return g['gates'][gateIdx]['op'][0]
def getXRefs(gateIdx):
xRefs = []
for netIdx in range(netCount):
net = g['netlist'][netIdx]
if gateIdx in net:
return xRefs
def getMinDepth(gateIdx, curDepth):
if gateIdx >= 1821:
return curDepth
gateType = getGateType(gateIdx)
xRefs = getXRefs(gateIdx)
if gateType == "AND" or gateType == "XOR":
return max(getMinDepth(xRefs[0], curDepth + 1), getMinDepth(xRefs[1], curDepth + 1))
elif gateType == "NOT":
return getMinDepth(xRefs[0], curDepth + 1)
depthDict = {}
for i in range(1821):
depth = getMinDepth(i, 0)
if depth not in depthDict:
depthDict[depth] = []
xPos = 200
for k, v in sorted(depthDict.items()):
yPos = 100
for gateIdx in v:
gateType = lowerGateType[getGateType(gateIdx)]
if gateType != "Not":
extra = ' NumInputs="2"'
extra = ''
of.write(f' <Gate Type="{gateType}" Name="{gateType}" ID="{gateIdx+1}"{extra}>\n')
of.write(f' <Point X="{xPos}" Y="{yPos}" Angle="0" />\n')
of.write(f' </Gate>\n')
yPos += gateYDist
xPos += gateXDist
for i in range(64):
of.write(f' <Gate Type="UserInput" Name="UserInput" ID="{1821+1+i}">')
of.write(f' <Point X="100" Y="{100+60*i}" Angle="0" />')
of.write(f' </Gate>')
of.write(""" </Gates>
for i in range(1821):
gateType = getGateType(i)
xRefs = getXRefs(i)
for j in range(len(xRefs)):
xRef = xRefs[j]
of.write(f' <Wire>\n')
of.write(f' <From ID="{xRef+1}" Port="0" />\n')
of.write(f' <To ID="{i+1}" Port="{j}" />\n')
of.write(f' </Wire>\n')
of.write(""" </Wires>